Settled In

Hello Brian,I received your letter this morning regarding Beanies progress with us. As you can gather we renamed her. 
We also rehomed Snow drop (now Sausage) last year from you. 
The reason we applied to get another cat is because we noticed Sausage was licking lots of her toys. Sausage has settled in unbelievably well. You can tell she is very happy and content. We were told she was quite a shy inward cat and we thought our home would be perfect. Although I have 2 children aged 8 and 11, they are mostly very calm and respectful to animals. 
Because of her licking and the fact she was rescued from a colony we thought she may want to mother another kitten, and we had space to rehome another cat.
Beanie was very confident from the start. She was very brave with Sausage. The hissing stage only lasted for around 2-3 weeks and there was no serious incidents. We kept Beanie in a room with my mum who is ill inbed alot of the time, she made a bond very quickly with her. She also loves sucking on a fluffy blanket bless her, it must be her age. 
Within a few days we had to let her out of the room. 
Now Sausage and Beanie have a beautiful bond, they communicate like they would as mother and daughter with the little noise that a mother would make to her babies. They are always together, sleep and eat next to each other. They rough and tumble, hide to jump out, run round the house and lick each other. 

I’m very happy that the match was perfect and have alot of confidence they will both be happy together for many years.
I’ll attach some pictures. 

Kind regards. 